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Monthly Sacred Feminine Masterclass

Join our membership or drop-in

Introducing the Rose Lineage

Ascended Masters & Guides

Reclaim your priestess lineage

Applications close May 12th at midnight PDT

Early Bird Registration ($500 off) closes May 1st

Sister, we want to see you bloom!

"I wanted to do it not only for me, but for my little girls…

to receive the divine mother’s guidance in such a potent energetic container- it will change you. And it will change everyone around you too."

Rani / Women's Circle Leader

This is for you if...


  • You are ready to break free of Patriarchal Traumatic Stress Disorder, and step into your power as a leader of love.


  • You can’t step into the fullness of your power or magic, because there’s an unexplainable fear, shame, inadequacy, or guilt that arises to hold you back.


  • You are afraid of what will happen if you access your Feminine Power- like maybe you shouldn’t be trusted with it… or maybe it will be taken away from you…


  • You crave the belonging of a spiritual sisterhood, dancing singing, connecting… yet you do not know if there are other earth-loving, star women out there quite like you…



  • You have a knowing that you have an important message or mission to share with the world, but it seems to be locked up under layers of self-doubt– like maybe it isn’t that important, or maybe you'll fail again...


  • You find yourself in relationships where you feel like you have to fight for your voice to be heard, or your opinions validated, and just wish people would see you!

We see your beautiful essence, Sister.

"The temple is where I feel my purest; most divine self. It’s why I am here. It illuminates my soul essence....Thank you for reminding me. "

Candice / Isis Initiation Grad

Rose Lineage

Sophia Dragons

Heal the separation from your inner nature

Roots in the Earth


Lineage | Sexuality | Abundance

Gaia Sophia
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Mother Mary Shamanka

Refill your stores of nourishment

Personal prophesy of creation


Embody Power

Rose of my Womb
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Morgan La Fey

Break the karmic chains of your lineage

Earthen Healer


Bloodlines of Medicine

Witch Archetype

Rose Woman

Heal the separation from your essential Self

Self Love Affair


Power | Love | Wisdom

Embodied Sophia
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Yeshua & Magdalene

Unite with your inner beloved

Reclaim Secure Attachment


Embody Love

Rose of my Heart

Goddess Hathor

Become the sound of the Universe

Traveler of soundwaves


Write your Orchestra of Peace

Priestess Archetype


Heal the separation from your Divine Self

Crown of Stars


Divinity | Creation | Wealth

Divine Sophia
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Goddess Isis

Rise into the power of your inner light

knower of the way


Lead your Legacy of Love

Queen Archetype

Grandmother Anna

Rise to your higher mind's intelligence

Unlock your truth


Embody Wisdom

Rose of my Mind

Deep Nature Connection

Ancestral Healing

Sophia Wisdom Transmissions

Lineage Gifts Embodiment

You are worthy of more...
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"Shardai is an incredible guide into the seen and unseen realms of the self...

She guides us to the places of the shadow self, to unravel the old stories and patriarchal belief systems that have been for too long a disempowering void in the wounding of our soul’s light."

Tiffany / Children's Author & teacher

Includes Live Calls:

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Guided Journey


Altar Card & Wisdom Scroll


Recording of Temple

9 Devotional Temples to reconnect with your personal ministry of love. Practice your leadership in our public Temple

9 modules of deep wisdom transmissions meant to re-activate your Sacred Feminine essence.

9 Personalized spiritual direction group councils, with sisterhood witnessing, mirroring & oracle.

And At-Home Practices:


Re-Connection Ceremonies

Solo-ceremonies to plug you back into the support and nourishment of the great Mother of creation.


Sophia Rose Altar Creation

Create your own Sophia Altar, or add onto your PMT mesa, to ground your wisdom into devotional medicine.


Ancestral  Journeys

Guided journeys to befriend, heal, and retrieve the medicine gifts of your blood and spirit ancestors, and your past incarnations (live or recorded).

And Extras:

Pattern Collage
Academic Library

Rose Priestess Visionary Council

Sisterhood Community

Sophia Library

Integrate as you go by choosing your own medium to create art from your experience.

Bond with other heart-centered women in our private Mighty Networks group

Access our growing list of masterclasses, guest interviews & blog articles.

Featuring our Core Routines:

of Sacred Feminine Connection


Nature Communion

Become the body of the earth with our core nature connection routines and meditations.


Journey work

Journey within to gather guidance and healing with your spirit allies ancestors and archetypes.


Devotional Rituals

Deepen on your devotional journey with our core routines of the Feminine Christ, including anointing, sacrament, and prayer.


Altar Magic

Work with your Sophia Rose altar (and optional Pachakuti Mesa Tradition altar) as a platform for your unique spiritual practice.


Somatic Movement

Free your body of old traumas and stuck belief systems through our signature movement routines.

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All that we do we hold in Sacred Space. A safe oasis outside of our everyday thinking minds. Bringing ritual to life.

Goddess Connection

Heart Connection

Earth Connection

Spirit Connection

Cultivate the Rose Garden of your Soul

"The shifts that have taken place within my soul and human, have no real words. The lens I see the world out of has changed considerably, in full trust and awareness of my ability to co-create this reality with my soul team.​

amanda / Yin Yoga teacher & Shamanic Apprenctice

Sacred Exchange

Reclaim your inner Feminine magic

This deep ceremonial initiation is valued at over $4,500



Early Bird Special $500 off!

Apply by May 7th midnight


$277/month ($333 regular)

or $2,497 ($2,997 regular)


Add 1:1 Support (9 sessions)

$499/month ($555 regular)

or $4,497 ($4,997 regular)



BIPOC/DISABILITY Partial Scholarships Available


**Safe investment** 14-day money back guarantee (Less any 1:1 sessions)


Program Begins May 15th, 2024

Teaching Temples are select Wednesdays 10am PT

Sophia Temples are select Saturdays 10am PT

Rose Sister Circles TBD by group preference

All other content on your own time


Everything is recorded & uploaded to your course portal.


***Possible in-person retreat option at end of program for additional cost***


Deep Nature Connection

Ancestral Healing

Sophia Wisdom Transmissions

Lineage Gifts Embodiment

Express your authentic Self
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"Shardai does an incredible job at leading you along a journey that is both deeply spiritual and ethereal and so real and practical at the same time.

This has been a turning point for sure!"

Link / Multi-program Grad

You will walk away...
  • With confidence and acceptance of who you are beneath any societal conditioning of the feminine.

  • Feeling affirmed in your choice to say yes to your sacred calling of service

  • Knowing the message and meaning you are here to recreate this lifetime

  • Feeling lighter in places that felt stuck and heavy

  • Feeling deeply nourished and met by a loving sisterhood that gets you

  • Holding tenderness and infinite love for your spiritual path as a human here on earth

  • With a lifetime of support from your spiritual guides

  • Knowing thyself

You are Loved

You Belong

You are Worthy

You are Safe

Your luscious life awaits...
You will...


  • Be guided every step of the way to get in touch with your Sacred Feminine in a safe container that was made for Her

  • Reconnect with your blood & Spirit lines of witches, queens, priestesses and medicine women

  • Participate in the ritual invocation of spirit guides,  ancestors and elements of nature to support your healing

  • Practice emotional release through your body with easy to follow guidance



  • Participate in embodied prayer to reactivate the power and freedom of your voice

  • Activate your intuition as you receive guidance from your ancestors and spiritual guides

  • Participate in a nature connection routines to shift out of the fear of persecution, and restore safety to your nervous system

  • Identify & reclaim your lineage gifts, for the future of your life and all women to come


"I feel more at peace with where I'm at in life and the not knowing of it all, while trusting that my alignment will help me find the next step when I need it"

Jennifer L. / Meditation Teacher

With your Ceremonialist
Shardai Magdalena Rose Moon, RN-BSN
Certified Priestess Temple guide | Initiated Rose & Scent Priestess | Sanctioned PMT Shamanic Teacher | Psych RN | Best-selling Author | Advanced Shamanic Practitioner
As a professional healer and steward of the earth for 15 years, I am certain more than ever that I am devoted to serving the creation of a new humanity that includes the Sacred and the Feminine.

It's my honor to uplift you to the place of honor and worthiness that you deserve, beloved sister.
You Receive...
  • 9 Live Teaching Temples to guide you back home to your Sacred Feminine essence (90-120 mins).

  • 9 Live Sophia Temples our "Goddess Church" to practice the ancient priestess arts of Self devotion with your altar, and step into leadership (60 mins).

  • 9 Live Rose Sisterhood Circles to be deeply seen and heard for who you truly are, and receive reflections from our circle (75 mins).

  • 9 Ancestral / Archetypal Healing Journeys to break the oppressive chains of the Feminine within your bloodline or past lifetimes and retrieve your lineage gifts (live Temple + mp3).

  • 3 Somatic Flows for cultivating & stewarding your inner rose garden through dance (live Temple or mp4).

  • 3 Re-Connection Ceremonies to powerfully claim your connection to the creatrix in the Earth, Cosmos, and within (PDF).

  • Nature Connection Routines to restore your nervous system and sense of home (PDF).

  • Sophia Rose Altar to powerfully anchor your experience into a tangible form that will last far beyond your initiation (live and mp4).

  • Virtual Sisterhood to share organically and access all your content in one gorgeous and convenient place.

  • Sophia Library to browse our interviews, articles, and masterclasses to your heart's content.


Live Temples may include:​

  • Devotional Rituals to return home to the heart of what you are here to serve, and to reclaim your place in the Temples of the Divine.

  • Teaching Transmissions to receive your insights through energy, sound, and presence.

  • Energy Activations to re-activate the dormant aspects of the Sacred Feminine within you, and clear anything in the way.

  • Altar Activations to activate the medicine pieces you are ready to steward.

Its time to become the woman you were made to be

"Shardai’s transmissions are gentle yet potent, powerful and healing... So many synchronicities have been showing up in my life since journeying with her as the magic transitions from the dream realm to reality."

Ellie C. / Women's Facilitator & Astrologer

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