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Soul Alchemy
1:1 Healing Transformation

A Private 12 week Program in Hawaii & online

For the soulful woman, ready to reawaken her inner healer and free herself from dis-ease

Your Sacred Pathway Home
12 weekly private Sessions

Motherline Healing

Reconnect to the immense healing powers of your medicine women ancestors...


so you can heal your fears of persecution, and generational patterns of imbalance.

3 (90 min) sessions include:

  • Guided Shamanic journey

  • Karmic healing for yourself & your ancestors

  • Pattern "chain breaking" for your entire lineage

  • Retrieval of soul gifts from your medicine women ancestors

  • Repair of patriarchal imprinting and persecution

Shamanic Energy Work

Listen to the whispers of your inner healer, and the messages your body is communicating...


so you can heal your body, mind, spirit from life-long harmful imbalances.

3 (75 min) sessions include:

  • Guided Shamanic journey

  • Personalized guidance from your Healing Ally

  • Channeled medicine songs of healing just for you.

  • Energy field clearing, restoring and reinvigorating

  • Intuitively directed healing for all levels of your being- body, emotions, mind...

Spiritual Mentorship

Reflect upon your spiritual journey and the wisdom lessons you are currently navigating...


so you can heal your confidence and trust in Self, and learn to deeply listen.

6 (50 min) sessions include:

  • "Parts" work to track your conflicting inner identities

  • "Mirroring" to reflect back to you your own intuitive wisdom

  • Building a relationship with your spiritual guides

  • Optional prayer, oracle, anointing, somatic processing...

Alchemy is designed to intentionally transform your life

Befriend your healing Ancestors

Clarify the root of your imbalances

Remember your sacred soul gifts

Release blockages and cords


Shardai Moon, RN, Shamanic Healer

This was made for YOU

Beloved soul...

There is something holding you back from your greatness.

There is an outdated version of you, that you are finally ready to let go of.

You don't actually have to keep playing out these negative patterns, carrying around these heavy burdens, questioning your value and worth...

You are worthy, beloved... You simply are.

And there is a quantum leap into a new reality, that is awaiting you.

The first step is to powerfully choose it.

It will require sacrifice... but the only sacrifice that will be asked of you is what was never yours to begin with.

It will require a new radical acceptance of your innate beauty, and a willingness to show up for your wellbeing.

It will require a powerful, clear, and well-tended alchemical container in which to transform safely and completely.

I'm not interested in a half-hearted kind of change that doesn't actually manifest in your outer world.

The level of transformation I'm interested in does not actually happen on our own- it requires the presence of the sacred witness and all the right elements of proper alchemy.

I am here as your sacred witness, and alchemical soul guide...


...ready to provide all that you need for a truly life-changing experience, especially if nothing else has worked on your own.

Are you ready to change your life?

Personalized just for You

12 week Healing Container

Professional Shamanic Healer

Virtual or Hawaii


Book Your Transformation

Set up a low-pressure 30 min call with me (Shardai) to explore why this path of soulful healing is choosing you!


During this time together, my intention is to LISTEN to you on a soul level, and understand your unique needs and desires. I will provide more details of the program and go over any questions you may have.



$750 | 3 pay

$2,222 in full

Purchase NOW

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